Many people find it difficult to remember all the different aspects of a terrible and traumatic event. Some people might think that if an event that horrific happened, then it has to be remembered by the person, all of it, every single detail, but that is not accurate. In fact not remembering all the details of a traumatic event is very common.
Your brain is accustomed to remembering stuff during the course of the day, what road to turn on, or how to make your favorite coffee. But when a traumatic event occurs your brain goes into survival mode and starts storing and remembering things differently than normal. This might mean that certain aspects of the event are way more intense than others. Bits and pieces of memories might come through while other parts are very fuzzy or blank. And it could also mean that you can’t remember large parts of what happened. Your brain was not just trying to help you survive. It was and is still trying to protect you from a lot of those terrible memories.
Some people are happy that they are not able to remember everything that happened but for some people it is very scary and unsettling. Many times a person can go a long time without new memories coming up, and then all of a sudden they start remembering things and it can be very overwhelming.
Remember when I said that your brain wants to help you, and protect you? Well a huge part of that, is your brain wants to help you heal. Even though you might not be able to remember everything, it still happened and your brain knows that something isn’t connecting right. This is when a lot of people might experience nightmares, problems concentrating, or flashbacks. Your brain is trying to make sense of a terrible situation.
Even though all of this can be very overwhelming I want you to know that you are not alone. Even if you don’t remember what happened, counseling can still help you process those feelings that are coming up for you. Whether it happened recently or many many years ago getting help after a terrible event can make a huge difference in your life and how you feel.
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Help for Trauma/PTSD