In-Home Counseling for Seniors in The Villages, Florida


In-Home Mental Health Care Support for Seniors in The villages, Florida

As a person ages our healthcare system does a pretty good job of helping seniors with their physical health issues.

Primary Care. Cardiologist. Kidney Doctor.

But the endless referrals and appointments for medical issues never stops. Understandably so as many seniors have several ongoing health issues.

But doctors can only do so much, so many tests, so many pills, so many procedures.

Far too often the mental health needs of seniors, especially for the homebound, nursing home residents, and isolated elderly population, is over looked.

So while the cardiologist might say everything is looking good on their end. You know something isn’t right.

Watching your once very active loved one waste the last years of their life in front of a television, growing more and more isolated, anxious, and depressed. It hurts. You want so much more for them.

On top of that you are overwhelmed, caring for your aging parents from a distance, the “vacation days” spent at doctor’s appointments instead of Disney. Florida is suppose to be fun, not stressful. Your parents don’t want to worry you, so they minimize their problems, which only makes you worry more.

I went through the same thing with my grandparents, and parents, so I know how much you care. I know how much you love them. I know how important these last few years are.

But I also know how tired you are of just keeping up with it all and how overwhelming it can be. Tired of having everything fall on your shoulders. Pulled in two different directions. Your calendar is full already. Trying to take care of your elderly loved one while also trying to maintain some resemblance of a normal life for yourself. A job, kids, just life. It can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Telehealth is a great option for a lot of people. But lets be honest, it can’t replace having a person sit next to you, especially if you are older and already socially isolated. And sometimes going into an office is just more hassle than it’s worth.

Now imagine what it would be like if your elderly parent had in-home mental health support. Someone who could offer real tools to help their anxiety, not just prescribing another pill. Real help for their depression. Real solutions to their loneliness. And you don’t have to drive them anywhere.

Imagine what it would be like if conversations with your loved one were more focused on the positive things in their life, less on what is going wrong, less on the negative in the world and more on the good.

Imagine what it would be like to have another person, another source of support checking in on your parent. Knowing that you have another pair of eyes to see if something is going wrong and not every thing has to be on your shoulders.

Have more questions or ready to schedule an in-home mental health counseling session in The Villages, Florida?

Email Me Now:

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