You are going through a lot right now.
You need someone who understands.
Talking to a counselor can be embarrassing and maybe even scary, telling your secrets to a stranger, asking for help from someone you don’t even know.
You wonder if a counselor can help.
You might have tried talking to a counselor before, but they just didn’t get it, didn’t understand.
Or you might have never told anyone what is going on, what hurts deep inside your heart.
You have been holding the hurt in, never really relaxing, never really letting your guard down.
And, you feel it, you feel the pain.
You know it’s time. Time to reach out. Time to get some help.
Hello. I am Kellie Brown.
A 3rd generation counselor, my family says that I was made for helping people.
Besides being a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified EMDR Therapist, Certified Addiction Professional, and Nationally Board Certified Counselor,
I am also a wife, mom, and sister.
I currently live in the Central Florida area and provide counseling to both men and women throughout Florida. If I am not working I am usually doing something with my family, or trying to hit the gym, or walk the dog. I love being outside and in nature.
I started my career working for a community agency. I helped clients and their families who were struggling with serious issues such as suicide, depression, trauma, and substance use. Working the evening shift at the local crisis center taught me more than my master’s degree ever could. I learned how painful experiences could affect a person’s life forever.
From there I worked at a Substance Use Treatment Center. I got familiar with trauma and the opiate crisis. I saw the effects of drugs and alcohol first hand, and I saw the desperate pleas for help. I know that substance use treatment can mean the difference between life and death for someone. I also learned that even the people who were hurt terribly in life could and did get better.
I have also had the pleasure of counseling many of our country’s greatest heros, when I worked as a civilian helping active duty service members. While there I saw the real pain that PTSD and trauma has on a person and their family. But I also saw how easy access to care and counseling can make a huge difference in a person’s life.
People say if you do what you love you will never “work” a day in your life. Well I love helping people. I love helping to change a person’s life, help them reach their goals, heal their pain.
I do not take what I do lightly. I know you are struggling, and I want to help.
I know how valuable time is and I do not want you to waste anymore.
When I was growing up, my grandparents always took me to go swimming at a beach called “Quiet Water.” Some of my best childhood memories were there. It was always sunny and beautiful. The water was perfect, and we always had a great time. My hope is for each and every one of my clients to find their own “Quiet Water.” I am not saying that this road is going to be easy, and it might not look exactly like you hoped it would. But I do know that the sunny days can outnumber the rainy ones.
“I know that you can get better.”
What is counseling like with me?
I believe in living your best, fullest life.
I know talking to a stranger can feel awkward and scary. Many clients carry a lot of secrets and shame. It can be embarrassing to say out loud what is going on, but it can also be freeing to talk with someone who understands. I try to be very real with my clients. I know this is hard. You need and deserve support.
Ready to Get Started?
To find out more about how I can help you, schedule a free 20-minute online consultation.
Licensed Mental Health Counselor - Florida
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) #MH 13735
Certified EMDR Therapist - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Qualified LMHC Supervisor
Master’s Level Addiction Professional (MCAP)
Nationally Board Certified Counselor (NBCC)
Telemental Health Certified
What do all these titles and letters mean? They mean I am highly trained to help you overcome many problems. If you have any questions about my training, just ask!! I went to school for many years, and I love to talk about what I do!
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