It started off as a way to relax, to ease some of the anxiety, some of the tension. But one drink, turned into another one, and another one. You might have even started using pills, taking more and more. Heck, the pills might even be prescribed, but you know you are using too many.
You use to drink for fun, to be social, but now you are drinking or using pills to just get through the day. To cope with the bad feelings, to help you not think about those thoughts that keep you up at night. It’s turned into a crutch and you feel like you need it.
You find yourself not being honest with others about how much you use. Hiding bottles, secretly throwing them away. You don’t want to deal with their negative comments, they don’t understand. Sometimes you try to stop, but it’s hard.
Many people turn to unhealthy behaviors to help them cope with stressful things. Talking to a counselor can help you get back on the right track, and learn new ways to cope and deal with some of the stuff from your past. So you can focus on the good things in your life, and start working towards a new you. Change is possible, but you have to take the first step.
Ready To Get Started?
I offer online counseling throughout Florida, so you can stay in the comfort of your own home. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation and find out how I can help.
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